The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ, connected with the common hepatic duct…
The liver is one of the vital organs of the body, responsible for many of functions that…
Dr Bhandari specialises in surgical treatment of various pancreatic diseases…
Dr Bhandari specializes in state of the art Hernia Surgery by surgical intervention…
Dr Mayank Bhandari provides services for insertion of Peritoneal dialysis catheter…
The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ, connected with the common hepatic duct…
The liver is one of the vital organs of the body, responsible for many of functions that…
Dr Bhandari specialises in surgical treatment of various pancreatic diseases…
Dr Bhandari specializes in state of the art Hernia Surgery by surgical intervention…
Dr Mayank Bhandari provides services for insertion of Peritoneal dialysis catheter…
Dr Mayank Bhandari is the Head of Renal Transplant Unit at the Fiona Stanley Hospital…
Welcome to WA Surgery.
Dr Mayank Bhandari MBBS MS FRACS PhD is a Consultant Hepatobiliary and Laparoscopic Surgeon based in Perth.
He has extensive training in Australia, the UK and India and specializes in hernia, gallbladder, liver and pancreatic surgical procedures and key-hole (Laparoscopic) surgery.
WA Surgery is a general surgical practice, which delivers patient-centred care in a multidisciplinary environment. Dr Mayank Bhandari believes in high quality, comprehensive and coordinated healthcare services that promote the health and wellbeing of his patients. The staff members of WA Surgery are highly trained, experienced and friendly.
WA Surgery provides treatment for all general illnesses requiring surgery. The practice also provides surgical services for renal dialysis and renal transplant work-up. He also provides services for acute and emergency surgical patients.
Dr Bhandari operates on public/uninsured patients at Fiona Stanley Hospital and on private/insured patients at SJOG Murdoch, SJOG Subiaco, Mount Hospital and Hollywood Private hospitals.
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Vestibulum ac tortor magna. Curabitur placerat imperdiet nisl, vel cursus leo blandit nec. Cras dapibus tellus at posuere dapibus. Phasellus ac est a metus pellentesque ultrices nec a massa.
Vivamus sagittis lectus ac efficitur faucibus. Nulla porta sem vitae facilisis mattis. Ut dui nibh, congue vel arcu in, ornare molestie nunc. Nulla gravida nibh eu dolor suscipit congue.
Curabitur sed varius nisl. Morbi gravida, neque vel venenatis maximus, ante ante facilisis arcu, non ullamcorper erat diam eu nibh.
Duis ornare, felis a congue efficitur, risus orci mollis sapien, eget ultrices purus ipsum at turpis. Nullam fringilla varius convallis. Ut sed augue eget augue pellentesque rutrum. Morbi vitae tortor ante.
An emergency department (ED), also known as an accident & emergency department (A&E), emergency room (ER), emergency ward (EW) or casualty department, is a medical treatment.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia.
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HealthLink: wasurgwa
Despite advances in technology and understanding of biological systems, drug discovery is still a lengthy, expensive.
Despite advances in technology and understanding of biological systems, drug discovery is still a lengthy, expensive.
Despite advances in technology and understanding of biological systems, drug discovery is still a lengthy, expensive.